MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility GroupAttributes Enum, Member of UserManager

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The list of attributes of a group


gaLOGON_ID = &HC0000000-1 073 741 824  The group is a logon identifier.
gaMANDATORY = &H1 Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.
gaENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = &H2 Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.
gaENABLED = &H4 The group is enabled.
ga_DEFAULT = &H7 
gaOWNER = &H8 The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.


VBS include

'GroupAttributes - begin
Public Const gaLOGON_ID = &HC0000000 'The group is a logon identifier.
Public Const gaMANDATORY = &H1 'Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.
Public Const gaENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = &H2 'Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.
Public Const gaENABLED = &H4 'The group is enabled.
Public Const ga_DEFAULT = &H7
Public Const gaOWNER = &H8 'The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.
'GroupAttributes - end

VB4 include

'GroupAttributes - begin
Public Const gaLOGON_ID As Long = &HC0000000 'The group is a logon identifier.
Public Const gaMANDATORY As Long = &H1 'Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.
Public Const gaENABLED_BY_DEFAULT As Long = &H2 'Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.
Public Const gaENABLED As Long = &H4 'The group is enabled.
Public Const ga_DEFAULT As Long = &H7
Public Const gaOWNER As Long = &H8 'The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.
'GroupAttributes - end

VB5 include

Public Enum GroupAttributes
  gaLOGON_ID = &HC0000000 'The group is a logon identifier.
  gaMANDATORY = &H1 'Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.
  gaENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = &H2 'Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.
  gaENABLED = &H4 'The group is enabled.
  ga_DEFAULT = &H7
  gaOWNER = &H8 'The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.
End Enum 'GroupAttributes

JScript include

//GroupAttributes - begin
var gaLOGON_ID = 0xC0000000; //The group is a logon identifier.
var gaMANDATORY = 0x1; //Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.
var gaENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = 0x2; //Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.
var gaENABLED = 0x4; //The group is enabled.
var ga_DEFAULT = 0x7;
var gaOWNER = 0x8; //The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.
//GroupAttributes - end

IDL include

// GroupAttributes
typedef [helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("The list of attributes of a group")]
enum GroupAttributes{
	[helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("The group is a logon identifier.")]
		gaLOGON_ID = 0xC0000000,
	[helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("Indicates that the user may not disable the group. Disabling a group causes the group membership to be ignored by the access validation routines.")]
		gaMANDATORY = 0x1,
	[helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("Indicates that the group is enabled by default. Use this value to specify the initial state of the group.")]
	[helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("The group is enabled.")]
		gaENABLED = 0x4,
		ga_DEFAULT = 0x7,
	[helpcontext(0x2000F), helpstring("The user is the owner of the group or the SID can be assigned as the owner of the token or objects.")]
		gaOWNER = 0x8
} GroupAttributes;

Used in

Group.GroupAdd, Groups.Add

Other links for GroupAttributes class

ActiveX UserManager classes

User, Users, Group, Server, Groups, GroupMembers, RasUser, Servers, Domain

ActiveX UserManager enums

UsersFilter, GroupAttributes, UserFlags, UserPrivileges, ServerTypes, LogonTypes, LogonProviders, OperatorPrivileges, RasPrivileges, SIDNameUse


ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.

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