ufALL = &H0 | 0 | All account types. |
ufSCRIPT = &H1 | 1 | The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT. |
ufACCOUNTDISABLE = &H2 | 2 | The user's account is disabled. |
ufHOMEDIR_REQUIRED = &H8 | 8 | The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT. |
ufLOCKOUT = &H10 | 16 | The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account. |
ufPASSWD_NOTREQD = &H20 | 32 | No password is required. |
ufPASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = &H40 | 64 | The user cannot change the password. |
ufTEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = &H100 | 256 | This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account. |
ufNORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200 | 512 | This is a default account type that represents a typical user. |
ufINTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H800 | 2 048 | This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains. |
ufWORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H1000 | 4 096 | This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain. |
ufSERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H2000 | 8 192 | This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain. |
uf_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK = &H3800 | 14 336 | |
uf_ACCOUNT_TYPE_MASK = &H3B00 | 15 104 | |
ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = &H10000 | 65 536 | |
ufMNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT = &H20000 | 131 072 | |
uf_SETTABLE_BITS = &H33B7B | 211 835 | |
VBS include
'UserFlags - begin
Public Const ufALL = &H0 'All account types.
Public Const ufSCRIPT = &H1 'The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.
Public Const ufACCOUNTDISABLE = &H2 'The user's account is disabled.
Public Const ufHOMEDIR_REQUIRED = &H8 'The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT.
Public Const ufLOCKOUT = &H10 'The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account.
Public Const ufPASSWD_NOTREQD = &H20 'No password is required.
Public Const ufPASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = &H40 'The user cannot change the password.
Public Const ufTEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = &H100 'This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.
Public Const ufNORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200 'This is a default account type that represents a typical user.
Public Const ufINTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H800 'This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.
Public Const ufWORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H1000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain.
Public Const ufSERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H2000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain.
Public Const uf_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK = &H3800
Public Const uf_ACCOUNT_TYPE_MASK = &H3B00
Public Const ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = &H10000
Public Const ufMNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT = &H20000
Public Const uf_SETTABLE_BITS = &H33B7B
'UserFlags - end
VB4 include
'UserFlags - begin
Public Const ufALL As Long = &H0 'All account types.
Public Const ufSCRIPT As Long = &H1 'The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.
Public Const ufACCOUNTDISABLE As Long = &H2 'The user's account is disabled.
Public Const ufHOMEDIR_REQUIRED As Long = &H8 'The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT.
Public Const ufLOCKOUT As Long = &H10 'The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account.
Public Const ufPASSWD_NOTREQD As Long = &H20 'No password is required.
Public Const ufPASSWD_CANT_CHANGE As Long = &H40 'The user cannot change the password.
Public Const ufTEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT As Long = &H100 'This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.
Public Const ufNORMAL_ACCOUNT As Long = &H200 'This is a default account type that represents a typical user.
Public Const ufINTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H800 'This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.
Public Const ufWORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H1000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain.
Public Const ufSERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT As Long = &H2000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain.
Public Const uf_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK As Long = &H3800
Public Const uf_ACCOUNT_TYPE_MASK As Long = &H3B00
Public Const ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD As Long = &H10000
Public Const ufMNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT As Long = &H20000
Public Const uf_SETTABLE_BITS As Long = &H33B7B
'UserFlags - end
VB5 include
Public Enum UserFlags
ufALL = &H0 'All account types.
ufSCRIPT = &H1 'The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.
ufACCOUNTDISABLE = &H2 'The user's account is disabled.
ufHOMEDIR_REQUIRED = &H8 'The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT.
ufLOCKOUT = &H10 'The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account.
ufPASSWD_NOTREQD = &H20 'No password is required.
ufPASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = &H40 'The user cannot change the password.
ufTEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = &H100 'This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.
ufNORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200 'This is a default account type that represents a typical user.
ufINTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H800 'This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.
ufWORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H1000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain.
ufSERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT = &H2000 'This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain.
End Enum 'UserFlags
JScript include
//UserFlags - begin
var ufALL = 0x0; //All account types.
var ufSCRIPT = 0x1; //The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.
var ufACCOUNTDISABLE = 0x2; //The user's account is disabled.
var ufHOMEDIR_REQUIRED = 0x8; //The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT.
var ufLOCKOUT = 0x10; //The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account.
var ufPASSWD_NOTREQD = 0x20; //No password is required.
var ufPASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = 0x40; //The user cannot change the password.
var ufTEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = 0x100; //This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.
var ufNORMAL_ACCOUNT = 0x200; //This is a default account type that represents a typical user.
var ufINTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x800; //This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.
var ufWORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x1000; //This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain.
var ufSERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x2000; //This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain.
var uf_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK = 0x3800;
var uf_ACCOUNT_TYPE_MASK = 0x3B00;
var ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = 0x10000;
var ufMNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT = 0x20000;
var uf_SETTABLE_BITS = 0x33B7B;
//UserFlags - end
IDL include
// UserFlags
typedef [helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The list of User Flags")]
enum UserFlags{
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("All account types.")]
ufALL = 0x0,
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.")]
ufSCRIPT = 0x1,
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The user's account is disabled.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The home directory is required. This value is ignored in Windows NT.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The account is currently locked out. This value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously unlocked account.")]
ufLOCKOUT = 0x10,
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("No password is required.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("The user cannot change the password.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("This is a default account type that represents a typical user.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("This is a permit to trust account for a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("This is a computer account for a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server that is a member of this domain.")]
[helpcontext(0x20010), helpstring("This is a computer account for a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller that is a member of this domain.")]
ufMNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT = 0x20000,
} UserFlags;
ActiveX UserManager classes
User, Users, Group, Server, Groups, GroupMembers, RasUser, Servers, Domain
ActiveX UserManager enums
UsersFilter, GroupAttributes, UserFlags, UserPrivileges, ServerTypes, LogonTypes, LogonProviders, OperatorPrivileges, RasPrivileges, SIDNameUse
ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.