Properties of servers, enumerating users, logon/logoff to the user administrator account.
Server - Properties of servers, enumerating users, logon/logoff to the user administrator account. (Item property, Returns one server from the collection.) | |||||||||||||||
Groups - Contains methods and properties for enumerating groups. (Groups property, Collection of global groups) | |||||||||||||||
Group - Object for managing local or global group. (Item property, Returns specified group from collection.) | |||||||||||||||
GroupMembers - Contains methods for enumerating and selecting user accounts from the group. (Members property, Members that belongs to the group.) | |||||||||||||||
User - Properties of the user account, and methods for creating, deleting and selecting users. (Item property, Returns one group member.) | |||||||||||||||
RasUser - RAS privileges and call-back phone number for the user. (Ras property, Enables setting of the RAS privileges and call-back phone number for the user.) | |||||||||||||||
Groups - Contains methods and properties for enumerating groups. (Groups property, Get a list of groups that an NT user belongs to .) | |||||||||||||||
Groups - Contains methods and properties for enumerating groups. (LocalGroups property, List of local groups to which a specified user belongs.) | |||||||||||||||
Group - Object for managing local or global group. (Item property, Returns one group member.) | |||||||||||||||
Groups - Contains methods and properties for enumerating groups. (LocalGroups property, Collection of local groups objects) | |||||||||||||||
Users - Collection of user accounts (Domain/Server accounts), (Users property, Collection of User objects from the server.) |
GetAnyDCName | Gets the name of any domain controller for a domain that is directly trusted by the server name. | |
GetDCName | Returns the name of the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) for the specified domain | |
ChangePassword | Changes password for the currently logged on user. | |
LogonUser | Attempts to perform a user logon operation and impersonates a user. You specify the user with a user name and domain, and authenticate the user with a clear-text password. | |
RevertToSelf | Terminates the impersonation of a client application (ASP script). | |
Select | Selects the server. |
Comment | Comment describing the server. |
String, RW | |
ComputerName | A Unicode string containing the name of a server or the name of the computer. |
String, RO | |
Domain | The domain to which the computer belongs. |
Domain, RO | |
Groups | Collection of global groups |
Groups, RO | |
LocalGroups | Collection of local groups objects |
Groups, RO | |
LoggedOnUser | Name of the logged-on user |
String, RO | |
Name | Name of the server |
String, RO | |
Servers | Collection of servers in the primary domain of server. |
Servers, RO | |
Type | Type of the server. |
ServerTypes, RO | |
Users | Collection of User objects from the server. |
Users, RO |
ASP sample |
<CENTER><H1>Add a New user account.</H1></CENTER> <FORM> UserName : <INPUT NAME=UserName> UserPassword : <INPUT Name=UserPassword><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> </FORM> <% UN = Request("UserName") If UN <> "" Then 'Create Server object for Logon Set xServer = Server.CreateObject("UserManager.Server") 'www service is usually running under account without Account operator rights. 'Server object is used to logon to the account with the right. xServer.LogonUser "Administrator", "" 'The next statements are executed under Administrator account. 'Add a new user Set User = xServer.Users.Add( UN, Request("UserPassword")) 'Some comment for the user User.Comment = "User from ASP page, " & Now() Response.Write "User <B>" & UN & "</B> Added.<BR>" Response.Write "List of users :<BR>" 'List all of server users. For Each User In xServer.Users Response.Write "<B>" & User.Name & "</B>, " & User.Comment & "<BR>" Next 'LogOff the Administrator xServer.RevertToSelf End If %> |
User.Server, Users.Server, Group.Server, Groups.Server, GroupMembers.Server, Domain.PDC, Servers.Item
User, Users, Group, Server, Groups, GroupMembers, RasUser, Servers, Domain
UsersFilter, GroupAttributes, UserFlags, UserPrivileges, ServerTypes, LogonTypes, LogonProviders, OperatorPrivileges, RasPrivileges, SIDNameUse
ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.
© 1996 - 2009 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software | About, Contacts | e-mail: