MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility ActiveX UserManager

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Examples for ActiveX UserManager

Sets full name for the Administrator account
Adds user account named "Coll" to the local server
Adds a new account and sets full name
Selects the "MYSERVER" server
Some actions must be done only on primary DC.
LogonUser sample
Create and delete a local group
Rename the group
Set comment for the group
ASP sample
Enumerating user accounts in one server
Enumerate all groups and account
Enumerate all groups and accounts
Enumerate all groups and accounts
Do something with the normal accounts
Change password from an HTML page (directly in IE/CHM/HTA)
All users must change password at next logon.
Manage users with SQL server Simple T-SQL stored procedure to add user account with full name on a specified computer.
Simple User add
Sample ASP page
Set privilege to CallerSetCallback
Set callback phone number
Set callback phone number
Disables callback privilege
Enables remote user to specify a call-back phone number
Permit the user to dial in to this server.
Enable dial-in with callback
Unlock account
Unlock account
Unlock account
Change comment
Change comment
List of groups that 'Administrator' belongs to
List of groups that 'Administrator' belongs to
List of WindowsNT servers in the primary domain.
Get primary domain user accounts.
Enumerate server users
Enumerate server groups
Enumerate localgroup members
Enumerate servers
Get date/time when the password was last changed.
Add user to a domain group
Add user account to a local group
Sample of delete method of User class
Delete all accounts beggining with '~test'
Remove user from a local group
List of users and its operator priviledges
Set / list user code page
List of user accounts and its comments
List of users, CodePage and CountryCode
List of disabled user accounts
Disable user account
List accounts with expiration info
Account for one week
List of account full names
List home directory for all user accounts
Set and list of account LogonHours
Rename user account
List of accounts and password info.
List of accounts and privilege info
List of accounts and logon workstations
List of account logon info
Change user password
Change password from an ASP page.
Enumerate domain servers, local groups on the servers and a group members

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