MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Change password from an ASP page.

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Change password from an ASP page. 
<%@ Language=VBScript%>

Dim UserName, ResultHTML
UserName = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")
If Len(UserName) = 0 Then
  Response.Status = "401 acess denied"
  Response.Write "<Font color=red>You have to logon to change your password</Font><br>" 
  Response.Write String(1024, " ")'why MS means that friendly errors are friendly???
  Dim xServer
  Set xServer = CreateObject("UserManager.Server")

  Dim User, PasswordExpires
  Set User = GetUser(UserName)
  PasswordExpires = User.PasswordAge

  If Request.totalbytes>0 Then
    Dim Old, New1, New2
    Old = Request.Form("Old")
    New1 = Request.Form("New1")
    New2 = Request.Form("New2")

    If New1 = New2 Then
      On Error Resume Next
      xServer.ChangePassword Old, New1
      If err<>0 Then
        ResultHTML = "<Font color=red>" & Err.Description & ".</Font>"
        ResultHTML = "<Font color=green>Password was changed.</Font>"
      End If
      On Error Goto 0
      ResultHTML = "<Font color=red>Password and it's confirmation does not match.</Font>"
    End If
'    response.write "<br>Old:" & Old
'    response.write "<br>New1:" & New1
'    response.write "<br>New2:" & New2
'    response.write "<br>user:" & User
'    response.write "<br>PasswordExpires:" & PasswordExpires
  End If
End If

Function GetUser(UserName)
  Dim xServer, User
  Set xServer = CreateObject("UserManager.Server")
  Dim Pos: Pos = Instr(UserName, "\")
  If Pos>0 Then
    xServer.Select Left(UserName, Pos-1)
    Set User = xServer.Users(Mid(UserName, Pos+1))
    Set User = xServer.Users(UserName)
  End If
  Set GetUser = User 

End Function 


<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 bordercolor=silver bgcolor=GAINSBORO border=1>
<form method=post >

 <TH> User Account</TH>
 <TD Align=Right><%=Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")%></TD>
Function iif(p, a, b)
    If p Then iif = a Else iif = b
End Function

If Not IsEmpty(User) Then
  Response.Write "<TR><TH Align=Left> Account expire</TH><TD Align=Right>" & _
   iif(User.Expires, User.Expires, "never") & "</TD></TR>"
  Response.Write "<TR><TH Align=Left> Last logon</TH><TD Align=Right>" & _
   iif(User.LastLogon, User.LastLogon, "never") & "</TD></TR>"
  Response.Write "<TR><TH Align=Left> Password changed</TH><TD Align=Right>" & _
   CDate(Now() - User.PasswordAge) & "</TD></TR>"
End If
 <TD> </TD>
 <TD Align=Right><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Change password >>"></TD>
 <TD>Old password</TD>
 <TD><input size="30" name="Old" value="" type=password></TD>
 <TD>New password</TD>
 <TD><input size="30" name="New1" value="" type=password></TD>
 <TD>Confirm New password</TD>
 <TD><input size="30" name="New2" value="" type=password></TD>


Other links for the Change password from an ASP page. sample


Properties of servers, enumerating users, logon/logoff to the user administrator account.


ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.

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