MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Password Property, write only of User class

Property, write only | Member of  UserManager.User | Changes | Purchase | Download


Specifies the password of the user account


User.Password = Password


Member of Administrators or Account operators can set this property.
You can change the user password without knowledge of the old password.

There are some differences between UserManager.Server.ChangePassword method and UserManager.User.Password write property.
- ChangePassword method of Server object can call only logged-on user. There is no need to know user name, password for current user is to change. But user must know an old password. Similar like crtl-alt-del -> change password.
- Password write property of User object can call ONLY administrator (or account operator). You do not need to know an old password. Similar like account manager -> set password.


Change user password

  'Get UserManager.Server object
  Dim UM:Set UM = CreateObject("UserManager.Server")
  Dim User
  'Add a test user
  Set User = UM.Users.Add("~TestUser", "1TestPassword")
  'Change the user password
  User.Password = "4SomeOtherPW"

  Set User = UM.Users("~TestUser")
  'Delete the test account

See also

User.Name, User.PasswordCannotChange, User.PasswordNeverExpires, User.PasswordExpired, User.PasswordNotRequired, User.PasswordAge

Other links for Password

Methods of User class

AddToGroup, AddToLocalGroup, Delete, RemoveFromGroup, RemoveFromLocalGroup, UserAdd

Properties of User class

AuthFlags, BadPasswordCount, CodePage, Comment, CountryCode, Disabled, Expires, Flags, FullName, Groups, HomeDir, HomeDirDrive, ID, LastLogOff, LastLogon, LocalGroups, LockOut, LogonHours, MaxStorage, Name, NumOfLogons, Password, PasswordAge, PasswordCannotChange, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordNotRequired, PrimaryGroupID, Privilege, Profile, Ras, ScriptPath, Server, UserComment, Workstations


Properties of the user account, and methods for creating, deleting and selecting users.


ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.

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